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Please find the OASC W-9 below to start your PO. Although some of you want to register on our DUES tab already, this serves as your reminder that this year the 2024-2025 DUES LINK will be tied to ACCESS to the MEMBERS ONLY PAGE. If you were a member from the year before, you will have to access every year. On the members only page you will have access to state registration, documents, forms and more. So it won't be up until August 1st. Once you fill out the information on the dues link, we will send you an invoice for your OASC dues $125 (per advisor meeting at State Convention in Bartesville) and an invite for the Members Only Page where all registration links will be on. Please give us 7-10days to give you access when you request.
Membership Benefits
Receive the OASC Firsts from the Executive Director
District and State Conventions
OASC Delegation Nationals Trip
Basic and Advanced Leadership Worshops